Monday, April 6, 2009

有時候太堅強 笑容卻填不滿眼眶
越是想要隱藏 歌聲就唱的更響亮
直到入到心底最深處 OH~
你不要追問我 還缺了些什麼

每個人都有夢 幸福總站在最遠方
心中越是渴望 越是不敢伸手擁抱
誰的心是我最後一站 OH~
我強問我自己 現在還沒有個答案

讓我放下武裝 像個孩子一樣

每個人都有夢 幸福總站在最遠方
心中越是渴望 越是不敢伸手擁抱
誰的心是我最後一站 OH~
我強問我自己 現在還沒有個答案

讓我放下武裝 像個孩子一樣

放下討厭武裝 像個孩子一樣

what is love? to love someone is like to receive a glimpse of heaven. wikipedia describes love as any number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. i don't know. i feel as if i've lost the ability to love someone. i mean, i still love my friends. but i feel as if i don't know how to actually like someone anymore. i guess, the more you love someone, the more you lose a part of yourself? i guess, it bothers me because i've never felt like this before. i feel as if i am just really apathetic to everything sometimes-something that's really different from the old me. blah, its just really on my mind.
i'll be here even if the stars refuse to shine.
Even if romance ran out of rhyme.
You would still have my heart.
Until the end of time.
i am everything you want, and everything you don't want. i am a walking contradiction. i am the extremes that don't go together. i am the unusual and extremes put together. "When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes. I believe and I doubt, I hope and get discouraged, I love and I hate, I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. I am trusting and suspicious. I am honest and I still play games." (Brennan Manning).


omei said...

you're only as big a contradiction as you force yourself to be!

"Always remember that you're unique, just like everyone else" - As funny as the quote is, it has some truth... we're all unique and full of contradictions, but that's just part of being a human being!

Remember our convo on our way to SB? I still believe in the same thing, i know you'll probably be happy around us until the end of time... but just once, perhaps i'd like to see/hear you speak about those unpleasant things in your mind, yeah?

Stephanie said...

Life is full of contradictions. Everyone is a hypocrite in one way or another in time. However, life is full of changes that we sometimes can or can't control.

clarice said...

I remember you telling me about this. It's hard I think, there's been too much to think about lately.

Chubaka Angela said...

all I can say is......
don't worry, be happy!!!
when there should be the rainstorm...我會幫你撐傘的=)