Sunday, September 6, 2009

so i was looking back at the things i planned to do over the summer...and i guess lets see how i did in doing the things i wanted to do this summer!
  1. learn chinese
    okay, to be honest. i didn't learn that much. haha. though, my writing did improve-quite a bit. i'm entertained because my teacher likes to say that i make different mistakes from everyone else. i get all the grammar write, but epically fail in writing the words.
  2. improve taiwanese!
    okay, thanks to james and taiwanese improved. haha, everytime we went to go ktv, they'd go sing some taiwanese songs...after listening to it enough times, you start to understand taiwanese. plus, once mom came over, all i heard in the house was taiwanese.
  3. reggae with angela.
    unfortunately, didn't happn. at least, not this summer.
  4. make a collage of all the yummy & lovely food i ate in taiwan.
    if i find the time in sophomore year, this is going to happen.
  5. have a normal sleeping schedule.
    okay, that happened for like the first couple of weeks...and then the last two weeks my sleeping schedule got really really fucked up. XD going out three days, staying out all night three days. yeah. had to make the most of taiwan.
  6. get something out of internship.
    okay, so i woke up for internship, but all that happened was me getting really really frustrated over the smallest things. i dont want to whine about it because its really not a bad company. if you really want to know, call me and ask.
  7. spend time with family
    so i went to macau with family, and i actually spent more time with family this time..because i would have a more normal schedule of going home and stuff instead of staying at a friends house like 4 out of 7 days a week.
  8. have good time mangement skills. just becaue i want to have fun doesn't mean i should ditch class/internship.
    this actually happened. i only skipped out on internship once, and i ditched class twice...or three times? considering how often i skip class at ucsd, i think i did pretty good.
  9. go visit other parts of tw
    this didn't happen thanks to the typhoon. next time i go back, i will def. go down.
  10. not to indulge in food toooooooooooo much.
    ....does indulging in all you can eats and eating until you feel like throwing up considered as too much?