Sunday, March 30, 2008

so i have officially decided that i will be attending ucsd in the fall. i know not where it will take me, who i will meet, what i will do-but it will be my future for the coming months. it hurts that i will no longer be physically close to some of my dearest friends, although our hearts will be closer than ever-no physical distance can separate us. looking back, i see how much we've grown. looking back at those incredibly long gtalk chats, where we probably should have gone to sleep instead of whoring away at facebook. in an effort to not sound so emo-featuring some of ken's famous quotes. :)
yeah my mom - " whyyyyy why is the world so cruel to me, i can never go like HA! my son is smater than yours cause 4.0gpa/perfect sat score or whatever, all i can say these days is, well... my dog knows how to open doors, better than your dog!"

"you know, you chug all these drinks like water. ya know, those are expensive.. you know what you should do? drink the beer. beer is cheap. and after a bottle of two, youll be too drunk to drink anymore. see? that makes you cheaper to maintain" - ken's mom.


Stephanie said...

Wow, that's kind of sad (for ken's part)... :(
Well not all of us will be too far! Clarice is going to SD too, so hopefully you two will be bumping into each other :D. Weee and there are breaks too!!

Rawrharharhar, join the rush of blogspotting :)

Ashley said...

Conns! T'is Ashley. Dude, why is everyone getting blogs? Haha, whoaa UCSD! I hope you have fun there :)

And link to me!