well, almost a month i guess? updates on my life i guess :)
basically, what i've done so far is attend terri's 21st birthday, watch a couple games IM basketball and attend a joint chinese new year dinner. then have a kick back at sam's, attend a uta night market (gosh, the food was delicious), go clubbing in hollywood, ktving, play dress up with friends, go to a kcon, and driveup to la with friends. pretty eventful. :) not looking forward to the next couple of weeks though :/ finals are coming up. unfortunately.
have you ever looked up at the stars and tried to count them? when was the last time you looked at stars? most of us are so busy in our lives, so exaushted from our daily rountines that we forget to look up at the sky and see stars twinkling down on us. we forget to relish in their beauty and we go on in our dull lives. 我好想好想去看星星喔~好像好久沒有去看它們~
"Last night i looked up at the stars, and matched them with a reason of why i love you. i was doing great, until i ran out of stars"
退到了絕境再退 破碎到不能破碎能挽回什麼 你就不肯說 我只能猜疑卻都錯
淚水灌溉著傷悲 絕望是你賜給的安慰
為何你說謊 我卻受懲罰 你不如就用刀刺下
我可以痛了再痛 你可以錯了再錯
不甘心不閃躲 只為那失真的承諾
我轉身讓你玩著火 你存心用盡我寬容
愛和痛彼此糾結 悲和我無法分解
厭倦的疲累 成了一片黑 像空洞已無法消滅
淚水滋潤著淚水 背叛是你另一種慰藉
完美的藉口 淚無辜流下 你不如用亂箭射吧
我可以痛了再痛 你可以錯了再錯
不甘心不閃躲 只為那失真的承諾
我轉身讓你玩著火 你存心用盡我寬容
即使我頭也不回 這悲劇猛向我追
情願你全部摧毀 別留著燎原的火堆
給你的自由將我吞沒 給我的愛像一根繩索
我可以痛了再痛 你可以錯了再錯
不甘心不閃躲 只為那失真的承諾
我轉身讓你玩著火 你存心用盡我寬容
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