Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
they're supposed to help you discover who you are.
Expect nothing, live frugally on surprise.
Love life and life will love you back.
Love people and they will love you back.
People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain.
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
i miss them almost every second, but despite the distance
i know they're just a heartbeat away.
even if the stars refuse to shine,
even if the world refuses to spin,
no matter the consequences and results
i know they'll be here regardless.
even if the world is going to come to an end
even if it looks like there's going to be no way out
i know everything will be alright.
with them, i know we'll pull through and be okay.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
and yet, the world doesn't wait for us to catch up with it
it just expects us to change with it.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
first things first, i've had a lot of time to reflect on a lot of things during the summer. not having internet gives you the time to let your mind roam and think out a lot of things-its actually quite refreshing to be able to get all the thinking out of my head. after all the thinking though, you really just come to realize that life goes on. despite the challenges and difficulties that are thrown at you. no matter what happens, you'll find a way to conquer whatever happens.
but onto happier things. i'd rather not rant out every last detail about every last thought i have.
lets start off with the new school year. classes are horrid and wretched as usual. moving in was a pain in the ass. and lets not even mention the long hours associated with uta. but despite it all, i think all the hours put into it was worth it. seeing the smiles and hearing the laughter is more than enough compensation for all the work put into it.
although. lesson learned today. do not attempt to open a krispy kreme box while driving. very easy to get a papercut. D: now my finger is like crippled. hahaha.
since its almost 3 am, i'll find something more substantial to update about later. ^^
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
- learn chinese
okay, to be honest. i didn't learn that much. haha. though, my writing did improve-quite a bit. i'm entertained because my teacher likes to say that i make different mistakes from everyone else. i get all the grammar write, but epically fail in writing the words. - improve taiwanese!
okay, thanks to james and taiwanese improved. haha, everytime we went to go ktv, they'd go sing some taiwanese songs...after listening to it enough times, you start to understand taiwanese. plus, once mom came over, all i heard in the house was taiwanese. - reggae with angela.
unfortunately, didn't happn. at least, not this summer. - make a collage of all the yummy & lovely food i ate in taiwan.
if i find the time in sophomore year, this is going to happen. - have a normal sleeping schedule.
okay, that happened for like the first couple of weeks...and then the last two weeks my sleeping schedule got really really fucked up. XD going out three days, staying out all night three days. yeah. had to make the most of taiwan. - get something out of internship.
okay, so i woke up for internship, but all that happened was me getting really really frustrated over the smallest things. i dont want to whine about it because its really not a bad company. if you really want to know, call me and ask. - spend time with family
so i went to macau with family, and i actually spent more time with family this time..because i would have a more normal schedule of going home and stuff instead of staying at a friends house like 4 out of 7 days a week. - have good time mangement skills. just becaue i want to have fun doesn't mean i should ditch class/internship.
this actually happened. i only skipped out on internship once, and i ditched class twice...or three times? considering how often i skip class at ucsd, i think i did pretty good. - go visit other parts of tw
this didn't happen thanks to the typhoon. next time i go back, i will def. go down. - not to indulge in food toooooooooooo much.
....does indulging in all you can eats and eating until you feel like throwing up considered as too much?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
because your friend called you.
because you found a dollar on the street.
because you don't have homework.
because you did well on a test.
because they have good tequila at a club.
because you found the other sock.
because you found the cutest purse.
because you saw a good movie
because you have someone to call your best friend
because you know someone will be there if you pick up your phone and call them.
....whats your reaon to smile?
and even queerer ones...check out this website.
so today. i quit. lol, well i'll be done on friday. i'll let you guys know how how the rest of this week turns out.
3 more days left!
Monday, August 3, 2009
so what am i doing blogging right now, you may be wondering. well. i'm at intern right now. its 10:30 in the morning. i haven't been given anything to do. and its really. really. cold. they have the ac turned up pretty high. and i really...haven't done much in the last two weeks. all i have done in the last two weeks is sync up one of the manager's mp3 player. and typed an e-mail about at meeting. and read the news online. yeauup. i plan to stay until i get the purchasing order done, which i started earlier this month, which we are waiting to get shipped in. at least i'll have learned something out of this experience. class ends in about 3 weeks too, so i'll be able to sleep till whenever.
mom's coming on the 21st to help grandma out too. so...i guess mom will be around, but since i'll probably be spending a lot of time at joans, it should be all good. :) i plan to visit the school too. should be fun. ^^
and no, i haven't gone clubbing as much as i would like, but i guess its probably a good thing for now, since i dont want my liver to give out + i have work really early in the morning. :P
Thursday, July 16, 2009
on the bright side though, I was really happy that I finally got to meet up with roxy, sean, jayme, veronica, romeo….^^ for some people it’s the first time in 4 years since I got to see him, for others its like we get to see each other once a year. Its been pretty good though-even though primo wasn’t so good the night we went, and luxy was just overcrowded-but it was just nice to go clubbing with good friends.
i'm looking fowrad to this weekend though, luxy tomorrow night, paintballing, ktving..^^
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
i guess taiwan will be a good for me...finish up some unfinished business.
get to relax a little bit and hang out with my besties~
i wish everyone a great summer-have fun, but remember to stay safe, try to change your sleeping schedules so that its normal! *ahem, tiff. that means you lol. stop sleeping at 7am* eat normal meals *ahem, thomas. don't starve yourself for like 48 hours. silly anorexic.*....:P ken. D: dont lose anymore weight. D: my mom is going to be super worried if you do. for those of you doing summer school, good luck~don't...pull too many allnighters!
the next time i blog, i'll be in taiwan. :) hopefully intern + classes go allright!
"what we have once enjoyed we can never lose.
all that we lovely deeply becomes a part of us
-helen keller
Saturday, June 13, 2009
but whatever. that can't be helped. i can still do it when i get back from taiwan.
i'm actually rather disappointed that i didn't get the chance to go to the cliffs before i left sd. and if it weren't for the fact that my parents would kill me if i make another trip down to san diego, i probably would go down sometime next week. i guess it can't be helped-i can always go when i come back from taiwan~
8 more days till taiwan! :)
i'm so excited!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
- learn chinese. (yes foreal.)
because i regret forgetting my chinese. and i really do want to learn it-the right way. not through ktving, attempting to read chinese...etc - improve taiwanese! (this is a given)
just because i feel that its important to be able to speak the language. though this might be a toughie - reggae with angelaaaaa (?)
seems like fun. would be a nice skill to have. muahaha. its just something that i want to do - make a collage of all the yummy & lovely food i eat in taiwan
for the sake of good food, why not? it'll give me an art project to do while i'm there, or when i'm back to pass time. :) - have a normal sleeping schedule.
though this seems nearly impossible, i really really do want to change my sleeping patterns and habit. - get something out of internship (aka, actually wake up for internship!)
i don't want it just to be an internship that dad forced me to go to. i want to actually get something out of it, some sort of life skill. - spend time with family
the last couple of times i went back, i really did not make time for family. this time, i hope that i really do have the time to spend with family. - have good time management skills. just because i want to have fun doesn't mean i should ditch class/internship.
this would be a good skill to have. less procrastinating. - go visit other parts of taiwan instead of staying in taipei the whole time
its been a while since i went down to southern taiwan. it'd be nice to go visit again - not to indulge in food tooooo much.
as much as i want to eat till i stop, that seems rather unhealthy. :)
Our house was directly across the street from the clinic entrance of Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. We lived downstairs and rented the upstairs rooms to out-patients at the clinic.
One summer evening as I was fixing supper, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see a truly awful looking man. "Why, he's hardly taller than my eight-year-old," I thought as I stared at the stooped, shriveled body. But the appalling thing was his face ... lopsided from swelling, red and raw. Yet his voice was pleasant as he said, "Good evening. I've come to see if you've a room for just one night. I came for a treatment this morning from the eastern shore, and there's no bus 'til morning."
He told me he'd been hunting for a room since noon but with no success. No one seemed to have a room. "I guess it's my face ... I know it looks terrible, but my doctor says with a few more treatments..."
For a moment I hesitated, but his next words convinced me. "I could sleep in this rocking chair on the porch. My bus leaves early in the morning."
I told him we would find him a bed, but to rest on the porch. I went inside and finished getting supper. When we were ready, I asked the old man if he would join us. "No thank you. I have plenty." And he held up a brown paper bag.
When I had finished the dishes, I went out on the porch to talk with him for a few minutes. It didn't take long time to see that this old man had an oversized heart crowded into that tiny body. He told me he fished for a living to support his daughter, her five children, and her husband, who was hopelessly crippled from a back injury.
He didn't tell it by way of complaint. In fact, every other sentence was preface with a thanks to God for a blessing. He was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease, which was apparently a form of skin cancer. He thanked God for giving him the strength to keep going.
At bedtime, we put a camp cot in the children's room for him. When I got up in the morning, the bed linens were neatly folded and the little man was out on the porch. He refused breakfast. But just before he left for his bus, haltingly, as if asking a great favor, he said, "Could I please come back and stay the next time I have a treatment? I won't put you out a bit. I can sleep fine in a chair."
He paused a moment and then added, "Your children made me feel at home. Grownups are bothered by my face, but children don't seem to mind."
I told him he was welcome to come again.
On his next trip he arrived a little after seven in the morning. As a gift, he brought a big fish and a quart of the largest oysters I had ever seen. He said he had shucked them that morning before he left so that they'd be nice and fresh. I knew his bus left at 4:00 a.m. and I wondered what time he had to get up in order to do this for us.
During the years he came to stay overnight with us, there was never a time that he did not bring us fish or oysters or vegetables from his garden. Other times we received packages in the mail, always by special delivery ... fish and oysters packed in a box with fresh young spinach or kale ... every leaf carefully washed. Knowing that he must walk three miles to mail these, and knowing how little money he had made the gifts doubly precious.
When I received these little remembrances, I often thought of a comment our next-door neighbor made after he left that first morning. "Did you keep that awful looking man last night? I turned him away! You can lose roomers by putting up such people!"
Maybe we did lose roomers once or twice. But oh! If only they could have known him, perhaps their illness' would have been easier to bear. I know our family will always be grateful to have known him. From him, we learned what it was to accept the bad without complaint and the good with gratitude to God.
Recently I was visiting a friend who has a greenhouse. As she showed me her flowers, we came to the most beautiful one of all ... a golden chrysanthemum, bursting with blooms. But to my great surprise, it was growing in an old dented, rusty bucket.
I thought to myself, "If this were my plant, I'd put it in the loveliest container I had!" My friend changed my mind.
"I ran short of pots," she explained," and knowing how beautiful this one would be, I thought it wouldn't mind starting out in this old pail. It's just for a little while, until I can put it out in the garden."
She must have wondered why I laughed so delightedly, but I was imagining such a scene in heaven. "Here's an especially beautiful one," God might have said when he came to the soul of the sweet old fisherman. "He won't mind starting in this small body."
All this happened long ago ... and now, in God's garden, how tall this lovely soul must stand.
-Mary Bartels Bray
Monday, June 8, 2009
[x] bild10
[x] econ 100a
[x] soc
[ ] doc
i need to start packing. D:
and do laundry.
and fold clothes.
maybe tomorrow.
when i actually have time after i murder myself with econ.
i didn't know econ could be so hard.
makes me wish bosanko were here to yell at me for my stupidity.
because famulari makes everything too damn hard.
and i believe that at the beginning of finals week if i start off with 100% brain power. 5% doc. 5% bio. 5% soc. 85% econ. = =
econ is. such a bitch.
AHHH 好焦慮喔 = = 煩死了.
有"對的"嗎? 我也不知道
1 final down, 3 to go!
好好看風景? 看這大海 a way its so calming.
time flies when you're at the cliffs.
死finals. = = at such a time.
唉 die finals..die!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
wish there had been wind and lighting and more thunder. me are the tears of people who hide their tears
rain are the tears that should have fallen but didn't fall
and watching the rain fall, its like letting it all out.
i wanted to stand there and let the rain fall
wanted to see the rain fall, feel the rain on my skin
and let it wash over me.
because when there's rain, the days following it will be nice, bright and sunny.
難道 我又我又初戀了 不可能 我又我又初戀了
可是 真的真的初戀了 這一種FEEL 我又 真的真的初戀了
我愛你 你愛我 我們再也找不到藉口
就像是 第一次 一起飛著愛情的自由
我愛你 你愛我 我們再也不需要藉口
又一次 初戀了 就算降講有一點荒繆 誰在乎喔
生活中有些緣分是注定要失去的,而有些緣分是永遠都不會有好結果的. 愛一個人不一定要絕對佔有,但擁有了一個人就一定要去好好的珍惜他!愛他!
沒有足夠的心裡承受能力 ,壓力......
別輕言談情說愛,否則 ,情愛 ,就會變成彼此的傷害......
愛是繾綣情深的吧 ?
愛是刻骨銘心的吧 ?
愛是稍縱即逝的吧 ?
a friend of mine sent this to me the other day-figure i'd share it with everyone. XD
Monday, June 1, 2009
也沒什麼煩惱, 沒什麼好焦慮的. 真奇怪.
i've been so busy lately that i feel so exhausted. but i guess it's a good thing. i do like being busy. i guess thats the one thing that bothers me the most. without my car, i can't plan my schedule accordingly, and hence, it becomes a pain in the ass to be "busy" becaue it just so happens that things tend to happen at the most inconvinenent times.
other than that though, i had a pretty eventful weekend. hksu's graduation dance was better than i expected-it was really nice to get to just chill and dance the night away with friends. saturday was pretty fun, i enjoyed the performances by catchy & 大毛 at cashbox. (sad that zoe won't be around to perform next year though D:) and lat but not least the uta kayaking event was pretty fun. :P lots and lots of good memories from that. my fellow 台客/台妹 with their awesome "pose". water ballons (god ray, i'm so sorry LOL, i didn't mean for you to get injured like that), carne asada fries? (i know morgan, you're craving them).
i guess its knowing that the school year is coming to an end that makes me really sentimental and really cherish these times. i mean, i won't be around all summer, and it sucks that i won't be able to see some people during all of summer. like steph and ken & the regular high school crew. char i won't be able to see until maybe winter break, which totally sucks donkey ass. alex & jason should both be in taiwan with me drinking and partying the night away. luke and all the norcal kids are going to be up in sucks that i probably won't be able to see them for quite a while. i guess thats why we make good use of skype and msn, right? :)
anyhow, i'm looking forward to summer anyways...nice break, brush up on my chinese skills, meeting up with some of my best friends that i haven't seen in forever! :)
i expect a great summer.
lets hope its the best one yet.
Monday, May 25, 2009

this weekend made me both happy and sad. happy because i got to see so many of my friends, sad because i can't stay back at home with them. it's always really depressing to have to go back to san diego sometimes-now don't get me wrong, san diego really isn't bad-its the people i have to leave behind every time that makes me sad. but at the same time-its week 9. three more weeks and its summer! it makes me sad to know that i won't be seeing everyone during the summer-and i won't see some people next year because they're studying abroad/graduating. it's like i take all the time we spend together, or the time we could spend together for granted. like seriously, if there's one thing i can't handle, it's goodbyes. i think goodbyes are the most emotionally painful things a person has to go through.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
i'm tired. just. thoroughly done with everything.
i give up, i don't really care.
i think i was born to be a fob! :) as a kid, i remember saying "mom can you open the light" & "mom can you close the light" instead of "mom can you turn on the light" and "mom can you turn off the light". innerfobness coming out! woohoo! :D :D
i woke up in a crappy mood, can you tell? ==
blargh. so i'm going to attempt to cheer myself up by looking at videos that entertain me :)
i should go watch kodomo no omocha.
hands down the best anime ever. :) imo.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
freshman year year at ucsd is winding down to an end, and looking back, time flies by faster than it ever did in high school, middle school & lower school. i remember stepping off the plane in july 2008, knowing that i would have to endure a long, very long summer before school would start. i remember wondering what my suitemates would be like, what dorm life would be like, what i'd need to bring with me, and what friends-what sort of people i'd end up hanging out with through college. in a blink of an eye, fall quarter, winter quarter, came to an end. and now, there's only four more weeks till freshman year is over.
i wanted to talk about how twisted the society is now, concerning kids + college. this is going to be more of a rant post about how schools are now overstressing the need to go to college. now, don't get me wrong, i believe going to a college or university is just as important as getting your 8 hours of sleep, eating meals on time...but today, while waltzing out of my ridiculous bio class, i saw a group of little kids that were probably around 10 years old. what is a class of a 10 year olds going on a college campus, taking a college tour? i mean, i can understand looking and visiting colleges when you're in high school, i mean, you are trying to find the perfect college/university for you after high school. but when you're ten, you're in lower school. is it really reasonable for kids to be listening to why they would enjoy the quarter system/semester system over the othe, the wide range of classes and majors at a campus, the library?! it's like before they're even teenagers, they're thrown into the stress of colleges. kids should be out frolicking in the sun, playing games, screwing around-basically, be a kid. it's ridiculous-throwing kids into this sort of environment.
10 songs in my itunes that i enjoy listening to while stressing out/studying.
(because i already have 20 songs every playlist should have)
and i think i'll steal ideas from ken and youtube link the songs for you guys. keke.
- 輸了你贏了世界又如何-林志炫
terry lin is not human. his singing range and voice is this song is one of many many songs that i stole from thomas that just sort of sat in my "new music that needs to be added" folder for a few months. - 美麗的神話 feat. 韓紅-孫楠
one of my favorite duets. i've always heard this around somewhere, but i didn't know who sang it or what the name of the song was. i stole this song from sam. :) i like the harmony. - One Day - 平井堅 (no link available)
this song came with a cd that magically appeared in my mom's lexus. i just like it, i dont know why. ahahahaha. "one day, i found you. tonight, i miss you" - 趁早-張宇
another song that i heard somewhere that i didn't really know. until i was watching 新光大道一班, and saw a duet between 謝震廷&張宇 (that kid btw, is so adorable.) i like this song. :D - 口是心非-張雨生
i didn't actually think too much about this song until after a couple too many times of hearing it in thomas' car. it sorta grows on you. but i like the song. ^^ - 你不是真正的快樂-五月天
i just happen to like this song. i dont know why. i just do. LOL. i guess i like the melody? :D - 니가 좋은 이유 (Why I like you) - Super Junior
Le gasp, connie listens to suju? well not really, this one of the few songs i actually listen to by them, but i just happen to like the how upbeat the song is, and i think its just really cute. - 零-柯有綸
mmm. no explanation needed. - Whiskey Lullaby Feat. Alison Krauss - Braid Paisley
sad song, but i really like this song. its actually really sad, sorta reminds me of the old 'dear john' songs, with a completley different twist to it. - 請在我後悔之前離開我-飛輪海
i've always liked this song, but when i threw myself into kpop, i sorta forgot about this song. now that i'm back into cpop, its nice to listen to this song
maybe write more later. econ sucks ass.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
lately, i haven't been in the best of moods. i guess you can say i hit an emotional rock bottom. but as joan said, "if you've hit rock bottom, then you know it can only better, neh?" and then it sorta hit me, no matter what happens, it can only get better. i guess i've been so emotionally strained out lately that i've sorta developed a case of "fuck-its." its not that i don't want to care-it's that i don't want to give up my happiness because i'm so worried about other people. i mean, it sounds selfish, but if i want to care for other people, i need to take care of myself. i guess it also has to do with the fact that i've gotten little sleep, got sick (and in process of recovering) and there's just been so much going on. when i woke up this morning, i was just like "i just don't really care anymore. whatever happens, happens." i've learned that my happiness is not worth sacrificing.
thomas took me to the cliffs the other day. it's so refreshing there. it's so calm and peaceful. and the wind there was spectacular. i took clarice the other day-there was really nice wind, the sun was out, and the view was just gorgous. next time any of you guys come down to san diego i'm going to take you there. it's humbling, to sit there. away from all the stress and pressure that you feel at school. to see your self as small compared to the rest of the world, it also reminds you that your problems really aren't as big or as complicated as you think they are. they'll eventually go away, and it'll all be good. i guess that'll be come my happy place from now on. one of these days i want to just get a mat, and flop out there and relax. oh, and its fun to throw rocks off the cliff. :)
whatever happens, i'll pull out of it with a smile.
it sounds cliche, but "you should always have a smile on your face, because you never know who might fall in love with it."
it'll take more than a couple hours, more than a day, but i'll bounce back.
hell, i've already started.
and i won't hold back the smile.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
i dont really have much to say...just some mindless rambling i guess?
i need to find myself a happy place. i don't mean like a corner or something. somewhere where i can just sprawl out and relax. bathe in the sun a little. without my laptop. enjoy a little time to myself. i feel as if everytime i'm on campus, i have this pressure that stems out of my textbooks and laptop about "deadlines" and "hwk" and "things that need to get done."
i think. i'm getting old. my back really hurt today D: my lower back at least. i'm curious to know if it has smething to do with my bed. i mean, its not THAT bad, but compared to my bed at home, its just not as comfortable. D: before i popped some painkillers, i felt as if i had 10,000 knives stuck into the back. D: it was like sore from i dont know what. i'm pretty sure its not from sitting hunched over my laptop for too long. i've done it for even longer, and in even more horrible positions. D: Q_Q
i should go get myself a nice back massage. yeah. that sounds good. one of these days.
i just went through two boxes of cereal in less than one week.
and my room is a disaster again. D:
and i have one more chapter to go through for sociology.
...this is such a pointless post. LOL.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
i'm so proud of myself :) i cleaned my room! :D
i know right, its so messy! D:
i'm not actually completely done, i still need to vacuum and do laundry & stuff. but its all good.
Monday, April 6, 2009
有時候太堅強 笑容卻填不滿眼眶
越是想要隱藏 歌聲就唱的更響亮
直到入到心底最深處 OH~
你不要追問我 還缺了些什麼
每個人都有夢 幸福總站在最遠方
心中越是渴望 越是不敢伸手擁抱
誰的心是我最後一站 OH~
我強問我自己 現在還沒有個答案
讓我放下武裝 像個孩子一樣
每個人都有夢 幸福總站在最遠方
心中越是渴望 越是不敢伸手擁抱
誰的心是我最後一站 OH~
我強問我自己 現在還沒有個答案
讓我放下武裝 像個孩子一樣
放下討厭武裝 像個孩子一樣
what is love? to love someone is like to receive a glimpse of heaven. wikipedia describes love as any number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. i don't know. i feel as if i've lost the ability to love someone. i mean, i still love my friends. but i feel as if i don't know how to actually like someone anymore. i guess, the more you love someone, the more you lose a part of yourself? i guess, it bothers me because i've never felt like this before. i feel as if i am just really apathetic to everything sometimes-something that's really different from the old me. blah, its just really on my mind.
i'll be here even if the stars refuse to shine.
Even if romance ran out of rhyme.
You would still have my heart.
Until the end of time.
i am everything you want, and everything you don't want. i am a walking contradiction. i am the extremes that don't go together. i am the unusual and extremes put together. "When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes. I believe and I doubt, I hope and get discouraged, I love and I hate, I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. I am trusting and suspicious. I am honest and I still play games." (Brennan Manning).
Friday, March 27, 2009
ten things about me that you may or may not know about me
1. i grew up on yugioh, not pokemon. i believe in the heart of the cards. pahahah. i totally grew up on yugioh-i even have the cards. XD i also grew up on stuff like dragon ball z and stuff. even weirder, i watched 一休和尚 from as far back as i can remember. hahaha. i even have the video tapes of it in my room LOL. (oh gosh)
2. i want to learn how to drive a stick shift car. i always think that its super cool when a girl knows how to do it. plus, it means i wont get bored while driving, although being stuck in traffic sounds like its gonna suck ass. it just seems like fun. besides, i look bored enough when i drive as it is.
3. i tend to use food as emotional support-happy or sad. when i feel like it, i can eat like i'm an bottomless pit. when i'm sad and i dont feel like expressing emotions, i normally just eat. because food makes me happy. :) its my anti drug.
4. msn > aim. i dont really like using aim, especially after my aim refuses to load up on my desktop. didn't really affect me when aim broke though-most of my closer friends use gtalk. hence, why i have three different messengers on my computers. its really not because i'm a chatoholic-its because people i know like to use different things.
5. i don't like cheesecake. in fact, i'm not really that big of a fan of sweets. not a fan of cookies and ice cream and cake and brownies and other sweet stuff. however, i do like chocolate. not dark chocolate-milk chocolate. thats the good stuff. :D also, if i have my cravings, i'll eat whatever it is i crave. or i need to sleep it off or i get sorta moody. keh.
6. the first things i notice in a guy are his eyes & his smile. i do believe that your eyes are the windows to your soul, and i believe that smiling is something you cannot go without. a day is not complete if you haven't smiled.
7. i'm dense. not because i just am dense, but because i choose to be dense. i choose to be dense because i dont like feeling like i'm over thinking things. i think that if i overthink things, i'll make things awkward. besides, overthinking things just make me stressed out.
8. i run to think. i'm not the person to run on a stupid machine and sweat like a cow. pahahahaha. i run because sometimes i have too much on my mind but theres too many little things that i don't think is worth to deal with or blog about. if i run, i just let my mind wander and think about all sorts of random things that bother me until i run out of things to think about.
9. i love to take pictures. that is fairly obvious. i take pictures because i think its a way to capture a moment. of course, we have our memories, but sometimes they get fuzzy. a photograph is a like a moment of time frozen. plus, i'm a really sentimental person.
10. i hate saying goodbye. its one of the few things i can't handle. i hate the airport, because going to the airport always means goodbye. when i left taiwan in the summer, i litterally had to have a mini emotional gutwretching breakdown on the plane's bathroom. i hate goodbyes because you never know whens the next time you'll see someone. when ken helped me move in at SD and then had to leav, i couldn't stop tearing up.
i think i should go get a massage one day. my shoulders are killing me.
or maybe i should spend less time hunched over my laptop. hrmm.
Friday, March 20, 2009
something else people might not know about me is that when i go back to la on friday nights, if time allows, i will attend a church group. i know right, connie, going to a cell group, on a friday night? what happened to the parties? but i've come to realize that the lessons i've learned there are more rewarding then going to any party. today, eric shared his thoughts about a specific passage in the purpose driven which is a book that has many life lessons that can take a person a lifetime to learn. today, he mentioned a topic that really describes what i really see friendship as, and i wanted to share it with whoever bothered to read my blog.
"when you try to ripen fruit quickly, it loses its flavor. in america, tomatoes are usually picked unripened, so they won't bruise during shipping to the stores. Thus, before they are sold, these green tomatoes are sprayed with carbon dioxide gas to turn them red instantly. Gassed tomatoes are edible, but they are no match to the flavor of a vine-ripened tomato that is allowed to mature slowly." such is the same with friendship. you can never "speed up" the process of friendship and expect it to bear the same sweetness as a friendship that is aged with time. friendships that are formed because of material gifts is like spraying a tomato with carbon dioxide-of course, there will be some sort of relationship formed, but friendship that is formed through fond memories, laughter, smile and time is sweeter than any fruit, better than any aged wine, and worth more than anything money can buy. the importance of things can be measured by home much time and patience you are willing to invest in it. time is the most precious gift you can give someone, because there is a limit to it. you can make more money to shower gifts--but time is something that you can never get back. today, ty mentioned that we may think that we have an endless supply of time-but in reality, we really don't have that much time. if you sleep 8 hours a day, (i know most of us don't know, but its what we're supposed to get) by the time you're 60 years old, you will have slept away 20 years of your life. that leaves you with only 40 years left to play, to relax, to work, to go to class, to eat, to spend with others...although 40 years can sound like a lot, if you really do that math, its really not that much. in addition, how can you guarantee that you will live beyond 60? if its really you're time to go, its your time to go. it doesn't matter if you're 102 years old, or if you're only 23 years old. the unexpected happens--when it happens, you can't do anything to extend the time you have left. (of course there are medicine and medical procedures, but eventually, when its your time, you can't do anything about it-technology can only bring you so far.) you don't know how long you'll have the opportunity to love-circumstances change-people die, children grow up. there is no guarantee of tomorrow. if you are going to love, you have to do it now. the essence of love is not what we think or do or provide for others, but how much we give of ourselves. when you give your attention to someone else, it means you value them enough to give them your most precious asset-your time. time is the most precious thing we have to give. it can not be measured in monetary amounts. time is the most limited thing we have. you can give without loving, but you can not love without giving. love that is ripened through time is far above anything that we can possible have. it doesn't matter if that love is given to friends, a significant other, or family-if you spend the time to give your attention to someone, then they have receive the greatest thing you can give to them. "let love be your greatest aim, for a life without love is truly worthless."
don't procrastinate in giving your time and love to others-you never know if you'll have that chance tomorrow. time is too precious to leave unused, for love leaves a legacy that cannot be compared to anything.
well THAT was a handful. but there's something else i must address. people seem to think i've gone emo or something. :x yes, my blogs may be slightly depressing, and my status on msn may have something depressing, but it might just a song stuck in my head :D maybe its just a way for me to express things that are stuck in my mind. my blog is a place for me to speak from my heart and the things that you might not see when i'm in person, being happy happy and all. however, i can see why people act emo all the time when they really don't have to be, getting the attention of friends that really do care for you is truly heartwarming. but, i'm not the person to really express everything-i try not to be an open book because i don't want everyone to know what i'm really thinking-sometimes, it's just be a burden that i did not wish for others to bear. concerning the emo posts, its just stuff thats been in my mind and the stress from daily life (ie finals) was getting to me and i needed to express it. :P normally i have happy things in mind, its just recently there's just been a lot of stuff going on. :D i love you all though, all my emo blogs and stuff makes me feel like an attention whore because you guys are all like "omg connie, don't be sad!" kiss kiss love love. hahaha. really, i'm fine. xD <3
Thursday, March 19, 2009
妳戀戀過我 就像花依賴樹尖
但風輕輕吹 時候到幸福卻枯萎
火熊熊了眼 別太快灰飛湮滅
榮耀若值錢 我不會掉下淚
痛也不說出口的我 不怕掉下淚
on the bright side, i'm officially done with finals. i spent the day (after finishing my finals) by making dumplings for my friends (:. lets hope i haven't food poisoned anyone. ^_^ anyways, i think these last two days have been pretty eventful. in a good way i guess? i spent all day making dumplings, cooking them, and then watching a movie. then waching alex, sam, jerry & will play resident evil 5 for a very, very, very long time. :P it was good fun though, we were all entertained by it. ended up passing out around 5:30 am because i didn't get that much sleep the night before-but i woke up at 7am by myself, which was when the "party" pretty much ended. i woke up seeing alex leaving, khan walking out going like "STILL HERE?" puahahah. then we drove to muir to get breakfast :D woot woot. and then i did laundry, took a shower etc. then spent the rest of the day with clarice at utc! so basically, i've just gotten home. ;P bring it on spring break!
i'm really looking forward to spring quarter-there's a lot of really exciting events and things-i can't wait! jerry's birthday, twilight, santa barbara, ken's birthday, casino dance, my birthday, going to florida, cousin getting married...and the list continues! i don't plan to go anywhere without my camera either :) take that facebook, lets see if i can make you crash again!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
One day, as he was walking along the shore, he looked down the beach and saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought of someone who would dance to the day, and so, he walked faster to catch up. As he got closer, he noticed that the figure was that of a young man, and that what he was doing was not dancing at all. The young man was reaching down to the shore, picking up small objects, and throwing them into the ocean
He came closer still and called out “Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?”
The young man paused, looked up, and replied “Throwing starfish into the ocean.
I must ask, then, why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?” asked the somewhat startled wise man.
To this, the young man replied, “The sun is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them in, they’ll die.” Upon hearing this, the wise man commented, “But, young man, do you not realize that there are miles and miles of beach and there are starfish all along every mile? You can’t possibly make a difference!”
At this, the young man bent down, picked up yet another starfish, and threw it into the ocean. As it met the water, he said, “It made a difference for that one.”
The Star Thrower - Loren Eiseley
the moral of this story? i feel as if we are the "starfish all along every mile" of beach. our beliefs, our conscience is the wise man. and friendship is the young man.
anyhow, this morning i signed onto facebook seeing that a large number of my friends joined the "RIP Sandy Puckett, you will be missed" group. While looking onto the group, I found an article that really really ticked me off. It was about a funeral parlour worker who stole from Puckett while transporting his corpse. "Taiwan police have arrested a funeral parlour worker who stole cash and jewelry from a dead American, a newspaper said Tuesday. Chen Chien-feng was arrested Monday for stealing 3,700 Taiwan dollars (100 US dollars) and jewelry from the home of Sandy Richard Puckett, a 60-year-old teacher at the Taipei American School, while removing Puckett's body Monday morning." Do people have no respect for the dead anymore? Its pathetic. You'd think people would have more respect for the dead.
Monday, March 16, 2009
one of the better teachers in the math department at tas.
one of the teachers i wish i had the opportunity to have for math :/
Sunday, March 15, 2009

this is probably one of my favorite pictures. its called "life" which, if i may add, is quite appropriate.
-Charlotte from "Charlotte's Web"
Saturday, March 14, 2009
why do your eyes look so sad? your eyes were filled with sadness, like a part of you was missing, like a part of you was empty. it was like your eyes were trying to see into my soul. i've never seen anyone look at me like that. it was like you were calling for help, but your outer shell has too much pride to ask for it. when you looked at me with those eyes...i wanted to ask what was wrong. i'm here for you to spill everything to, i'm here when you need a shoulder to lean on, i'm here to give you a hug to make the problems go away. all you need is to ask. i'm here to help share the burden of anything unpleasant. if there's too much anger and sadness in our lives, there won't be enough room for love and joy. without enough room for love and joy, we will never live to the full potential of being happy.
the most interesting term i've come to be using recently is the word clusterfuck.
clusterfuck is defined by urban dictionary as
- Military term for an operation in which multiple things have gone wrong. Related to "SNAFU" (Situation Normal, All Fucked Up") and "FUBAR" (Fucked Up Beyond All Repair).
- A combination of things going extremely wrong in a short period of time within the same general activity-caused by stupidity and/or ineptitude.
- Chaos. Anything that is occuring in a haphazardly. The situation is not even thinking about dreaming about having a sense of order. A clustering of items (usually people) in a fucked up way.
speaking of, i'm attempting to not cuss. :D in chinese at least for now. trying not to cuss in english is too hard. (: i will learn how not to not cuss in chinese :D woot woot.
i think i've been doing alright so far. a couple slips here and there, but considering how it used to be every other word, i think i'm doing great :D
Friday, March 13, 2009
a grand-daughter, a niece,
a cousin, a friend, and an aunt.
I am a partner, a student,
a young girl, a grown woman.
I am confident, and scared,
terrified and excited.
I am loving and caring,
& thoughtful and hopeful.
I am sick & tired.
I am shy and friendly,
& careful and careless.
I am broken.
I am misunderstood,
misguided & mislead.
I am hard working & determined,
but a little scared on the inside.
I wish on the stars & dream my dreams.
I pray to god and cry my tears.
I smile on the outside while
I'm dying on the inside.
I listen to others who won't listen to me.
I walk on eggshells & I walk on fire.
I believe in passions but not true love.
I love you and I pushed you away.
I want you, but not so close.
I am everything & nothing all at once,
& all I wanted was for you to love me"
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
stay true to myself.
i dont know why it bothered me so much. i don't feel like going into detail as to what "it" is-all you need to know is that it's something that made me feel extremely moody. someday i'll look back on this note and laugh at myself-how could i possibly get so moody over a little thing like that. but for now, i'm feeling moody. i really dont know why it bothered me so much. it shouldn't even be my problem. i shouldn't even care at all about it. but i do. and i dont know why.
the only thing i know is that the song thats playing in my mind right now is 別惹我-五月天. sometimes, our minds are the greatest weapons against ourselves.
ten songs every person should have on their playlist
- 離開地球表面-五月天
this song expresses my feelings when i'm stressed out, or annoyed at life, with people, with hwk, with classes-basically anything that decides to piss me off. it reminds me to give the "i dont give a fuck" attitude back at the rest of the world. it's a i'll do whatever the hell i feel like doing and i don't care about your opinions and judgements about me songs. basically reminds us to stay happy. however, the downside to this is that if this is playing in my car, i become a very aggresive driver. i get mad and i get very gas pedal heavy. especially nice when i'm driving down on an empty freeway with just me and myself. - 失戀無罪-A-lin
those who know me know that i'm not exactly a big fan of of female singers-but this is probably one of my favorite songs. 用過去悲傷換來自由難道不珍貴. - 離歌-信樂團
despite the near impossibleness to sing to this song-i really like the lyrics. one of my favorite lines literally translates to "its when you can't stay that you really feel lonely." you don't really understand the meaning of feeling lonely until you really do feel lonely. - 噢買尬-五月天
for those who know this song, this is self explanatory. for those of you who don't, this song is the epitome of what the relationship between friends should be. (2015, yes?;D) - 手放開-李聖傑
我給你最後的疼愛是手放開-sometimes its just not really meant to be. this is a nice song. one of the many songs that ken & clarice often classify with the "ice cube song." granted that it is by the same singer, but i like this song better than the other :D - Wrong Number - DBSK
woot for connie the uber dbsk fangirl. :) i'm just kidding. i really like the lyrics for this song, no special reason. i guess it sorta describes what i think about a lot of girls who are really really attached to their boyfriends and then cause problems and shit like that. i guess the reason why i like this is because if i were a guy, i'm pretty sure this is what i'd be thinking if i had a really 'sticky' girlfriend. - Greatest Story Every Told - Oliver James
Seems like the that would come out of a chick flick, but i really like this song. probably one of the few american songs i'd listen to without protesting it. - 如果還有明天-信&薛岳&柯有倫
但是我一定會提醒自己 如果還有明天. if you found out there was no tomorrow, would you look back at your life and regret it? assuming the world was coming to total destruction and even if there was a miracle no one would be left on earth, who would you say your last farewells to? would you say it to the person next to you? your best friends? your family? would you look back at your life and say "i wish i had done..." because now you realized you don't have the chance to do so? often times in life we say "i'll do it later." but what if there is no later? - 如果-張棟樑
現在的我 不缺甚麼 認真的生活 偶而會難過
新朋友很多 他們不夠瞭解我 (他們都不瞭解我)
問了太多 我只是微笑的帶過
未來的我 沒有如果 不相信星座 能預告甚麼
假設那麼多 過去會不會復活 最好沒有如果
really good song. really good lyrics. :) - Way Back Into Love - 黃品冠 + 梁靜茹
i really like this duet. like, really really really really like this duet. "i'm been looking for someone to shed some light, not somebody to get me through the night...i've been looking for a way back into love.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
這些年一個人 風也過 雨也走有過淚有過錯 還記得堅持什麼
真愛過才會懂 會寂寞 會回首
終有夢 終有你在心中
朋友一生一起走 那些日子不再有
一句話一輩子 一生情一杯酒
朋友不曾孤單過 一聲朋友你會懂
還有傷還有痛 還要走還有我
一句話一輩子 一生情一杯酒
i'm thankful for you all. <3
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
i don't need to take your shit.
看生命 像陣風 包不住的痛 所以緊握雙手
抬起頭 那流星般的笑容 只不過 墜落在心中
天空會裂縫 我肩頭 添上的愛那麼久 就不怕 滂沱
用眼淚慶賀 跨過了 堅信這一扇門後 真的有 天國
為了你而活 為了而你夢 為了愛我會撐到最後
當世界都烏有 守著你的人是我
為了你而活 為了你而夢 傷痕再深心無法劃破
跟命運在逆流 就算錯了 也不退後
不閃躲 在這荊棘遍佈中 那傷口 會開出花朵
天空會裂縫 我肩頭 添上的愛那麼重 就不怕 滂沱
用眼淚慶賀 跨過了 堅信這一扇門後 真的有 天國
為了你而活 為了而你夢 為了愛我會撐到最後
當世界都烏有 守著你的人是我
為了你而活 為了你而夢 傷痕再深心無法劃破
跟命運在逆流 就算錯了 也不退後
為了你而活 為了而你夢 為了愛我會撐到最後
當世界都烏有 守著你的人是我
為了你而活 為了你而夢 傷痕再深心無法劃破
跟命運在逆流 就算錯了 也不退後
Thursday, February 19, 2009
well, almost a month i guess? updates on my life i guess :)
basically, what i've done so far is attend terri's 21st birthday, watch a couple games IM basketball and attend a joint chinese new year dinner. then have a kick back at sam's, attend a uta night market (gosh, the food was delicious), go clubbing in hollywood, ktving, play dress up with friends, go to a kcon, and driveup to la with friends. pretty eventful. :) not looking forward to the next couple of weeks though :/ finals are coming up. unfortunately.
have you ever looked up at the stars and tried to count them? when was the last time you looked at stars? most of us are so busy in our lives, so exaushted from our daily rountines that we forget to look up at the sky and see stars twinkling down on us. we forget to relish in their beauty and we go on in our dull lives. 我好想好想去看星星喔~好像好久沒有去看它們~
"Last night i looked up at the stars, and matched them with a reason of why i love you. i was doing great, until i ran out of stars"
退到了絕境再退 破碎到不能破碎能挽回什麼 你就不肯說 我只能猜疑卻都錯
淚水灌溉著傷悲 絕望是你賜給的安慰
為何你說謊 我卻受懲罰 你不如就用刀刺下
我可以痛了再痛 你可以錯了再錯
不甘心不閃躲 只為那失真的承諾
我轉身讓你玩著火 你存心用盡我寬容
愛和痛彼此糾結 悲和我無法分解
厭倦的疲累 成了一片黑 像空洞已無法消滅
淚水滋潤著淚水 背叛是你另一種慰藉
完美的藉口 淚無辜流下 你不如用亂箭射吧
我可以痛了再痛 你可以錯了再錯
不甘心不閃躲 只為那失真的承諾
我轉身讓你玩著火 你存心用盡我寬容
即使我頭也不回 這悲劇猛向我追
情願你全部摧毀 別留著燎原的火堆
給你的自由將我吞沒 給我的愛像一根繩索
我可以痛了再痛 你可以錯了再錯
不甘心不閃躲 只為那失真的承諾
我轉身讓你玩著火 你存心用盡我寬容
Friday, January 23, 2009
ken. don't be jealous. i know you want to dance with that pole too. :D
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
she wants me to eat a crapload of vitamins.
i feel like i'm a druggie.
so basically. my mom wants me to take vitamin a, vitamin c, calcium, centrum, and these two yellow things that's supposed to give me more energy, but i have no idea what they are.
like, okay, making me eat that many vitamins defeats the purpose of centrum. plus, i feel like a druggie. ._.
Monday, January 12, 2009
anyways. last weekend i went on a ski trip, and i had the time of my life. aside from the three different bruises on each knee, and a giant bruise on my toe (thanks tiff, i LOVE my gift), i had a wonderful time falling down the slope, retreating to our cabin with 30+ people, taking 5 minute showers so that other people would get to use hot water. now, don't get me wrong, i loved every minute of it. it all contributed to each experience in its own special way. :) and to top it all off, we went down to rowland to eat bbq & shabu shabu and i got to see my lovely steph! :) <3 i miss you dearly.
we ended the wonderful weekend with a dinner at BJs for tiffany'ws 19th birthday-i love you tiff! (: happy 19th...:) <3
so. back to a week of recovering from insane soreness from every part of my body.