Tuesday, December 9, 2008

the pros and cons of college.
college, as we all know of it, is a wonderful place to meet friends and make wonderful memories-while trying to finish that one forsaken paper that you put off till the last minute, or studying for finals. on the good side, there is absolutely no parental control. you can go out whenever you want, don't have to report to anyone, and there is no curfew in effect. don't you just love that? there's always something to do-yes ken, even in uc socially dead. i looked back on my weekends and i realized...i was never really in my room on the weekends. i was always busy doing something else...like..being busy. :) like you're never stuck in your room on a friday or saturday night thinking "damn. what am i gonna do now" overall, its just really nice. like you get to meet so many people-shit honestly, sometimes i'll see people and they'll wave to me but i'll be like CRAP I TOTALLY DONT REMEMBER THEIR NAME.
the bad side? you get so far behind in your work. its not intentional-it just happens. that term paper gets pushed to the last day, studying comes in forms of allnighters (which are horribly evil). its finals week right now-i don't think i've ever seen that many people flop into ovt for breakfast while letting out gigantinormous yawns. the bad side is that you are totally on your own and like you tend to fall behind in all your work. shit, at least i do. :( because no one cares you're like on your laptop in class, which somethow turns into facebooking, youtubing, or like sleeping in class.

i love the new jj lin album. the more i listen to it, the more addicted i get to it.

林俊傑 - always online